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8:00 AM - Monday, May. 24, 2010
Slipping Away
You know I cant remember when my uncle passed. It was sometimes this year i'm sure but I cant seem to remember the day or even the month. I think it was in the beginning of the year but I just cant seem to remember.

You know so much stuff has been going on I hate that the one thing that I should remember i dont. Well i'm not gonna let myself forget today. Today my Aunt Jean will be officially announced as dead once they pull the plug. Although it should be said that yesterday was when she finally let go. She had a stroke about a week ago. The doctors said she had a continuous bleed and it was in an inoperatable area of her brain. They were gonna try and fix it if they could btu then she also had swelling so they were gonna wait. But sunday was when she finally let go I think.

I just need to make sure I remember. At least I wrote it down so I can remember. i dont want to forget her like I forgot about my uncle.

Man I let too much crap make me forget the important stuff. dang come to think about it my dad's aunt Christine died just two weeks ago. Its like they are just slipping away.


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